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Benefits of Being a Square Member Business

As a business owner we all go through different phases of learning in business. We

learn everything from how to run our business on paper, navigating expenses, hiring the right

team of expert lawyers and accounts to how to become more profitable. We often ask

ourselves, “Am I doing this right? Is my business headed in the direction I want it to go? What

areas of my business do I need to focus on?” These are just some of the many questions we

encounter in day to day business operations.

Have you ever wondered if other business owners think the same things you do? Have

you ever wondered if there is someone out there going through the same business growing

pains as you? Well... you might be in a small town and there might not be another business like

yours anywhere close, so you may feel isolated and not know who to connect with.

Square has an AMAZING community that you are a part of just by being a Square

business member. Did you know that? The Seller Community is a place where you can connect

with other like-minded individuals who are experiencing some of the same growing pains you

are or maybe those who’ve already gone through them and can offer advice. Every aspect of

business is discussed somewhere within the Seller Community. All you have to do is join! How

do you do that? Login to your Square account and open the Seller Community and join! It’s

that simple! And while you’re at it, look at these other great benefits:

The Seller Community has a Book Club that just started and it is fantastic! Right now

we’re reading the book Start With Why by Simon Sinek. I’ve been self-employed for 36 years

and I still believe that I can learn something new everyday. I’m now on my nineth business and

the one thing I’ve always known was that each business needs to have a Why. Why do we do

what we do? I voted for this book because I felt like I needed a refresher and it has been

perfect and yes, I’ve already learned something. Our club will be reviewing this book on a

Zoom call later this month and we’ll begin a new book for June and July. If you join the club

now, you can vote on the next book. It hasn’t been decided yet! Now is a great time to check

out the Book Club and the Seller’s Community and see all that they have to offer. There are

many different things that you can subscribe to and participate in, at any level, and glean from

others’ experiences. Each of us has something to offer and you may have a unique perspective

or skill in your business that someone else is looking for. The best part is that you’re not limited

to Whitehall, MT. Square is a global platform so there are businesses connecting from all over

the world. You never know what you might find that could truly help your business succeed or

help you over the hurdle you’re facing. In any case, it’s all free just for being a business

member and I think you’ll be very surprised at how engaging and helpful it truly is.

Got any questions? Want to join but not sure how to navigate it? Let me know, I can

help! Give me a call at my office, Arctic Heat (406) 202-3460 or an email at

Happy learning!

Carey Burnside, Arctic Heat

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